Platinum Health Corrective Exercise Session 2
Foam Rolling: IT Band
Lying on your side, place the foam roller just above your knee. Prop yourself up using your bottom arm, and set your free hand on your hip. You can use your bottom hand and back foot to slowly roll over the foam pad. Roll this area for 30-60 seconds. If you happen to find one spot that hurts particularly badly, stop rolling and instead lean into the pad. This will help to release the extra tension. Repeat on the opposite leg.

Hip Abductor/Glute
Lying on your side, place the foam roller along the outside of your hip. Prop yourself up using your bottom arm, and set your free hand on your knee or hip. You can use your bottom hand and back foot to slowly roll over the foam pad. Roll this area for 30-60 seconds. If you happen to find one spot that hurts particularly badly, stop rolling and instead lean into the pad. This will help to release the extra tension. Repeat this movement on the glute (pictured above), by rolling slightly onto your back. Do one side at a time, repeating each movement on both legs!

Lacrosse Ball: Lower Back
Place a firm ball (lacrosse ball preferred, tennis ball is fine) just below your ribcage on one side of your spine. Hold the ball there as you lean backward against a wall. You can then move side to side, or up and down to roll the ball across the muscle. Be careful not to allow the ball to move over your spine, as it can cause discomfort. Perform this exercise for 30-60 seconds on each side of the spine.

Lacrosse Ball: Upper Back
Place a firm ball (lacrosse ball preferred, tennis ball is fine) between your spine and one shoulder blade. Hold the ball there as you lean backward against a wall. Then, move up and down to roll the ball across the muscle. Be careful not to allow the ball to move over your spine or shoulder blade, as it can cause discomfort. Perform this exercise for 30-60 seconds on each side of the spine!

Back of the Neck
Start with the ball placed at the base of the skull, right where the head meets the neck. Lean back against a wall, and use your neck to look left and right like you are saying no. This will roll the ball over the muscles in the back of the neck. Perform this movement for 30-60 seconds!

7:30am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Platinum Chiropractic
4172 Lake Michigan Dr NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49534